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Short Tutorial/FAQ – How Do I Create a Facebook Group?

Download Graphics to View Question: Facebook is fun but sometimes I want a place where I can communicate with just my close friends. Is a Facebook group a good way to do this? If so, how do I start one?

Answer: Yes, a Facebook group is a great way to use many of the same features you like about Facebook with fewer people. It can be for a set of friends, a book club, a special interest group, or anything else you like. Your group can be open to the public or private — you can control the way it gets used. Here's how to create one:
  1. On your Facebook home page, at the top of the screen, select Create > Group.

  2. In the dialog box, create a name for your group and select some friends you want to be in it. Set the privacy and visibility settings. Select Create.

  3. Once your group is created, you can add a cover image, similar to how you would add one to your own profile.

  4. In the left column, select About. In the About section, write a description of your group.

  5. Under the cover image, select More > Edit Group Settings to further refine the characteristics of your group.

  6. Now return to the main group page to create your first post and invite more members.

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